Faculty, students, postdocoral fellow and staff at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine enjoy access to a first-class computational infrastructure which includes…
- purpose-built HPC clusters totaling over 2,000 CPU cores, which includes
* over 70 nVidia server class GPUs (K40s and M2050s) for floating-point inensive workflows such as molecular dynamics and image processing applications
* over 50 high-memory nodes (128 GB, 384 GB, and 1.5 TB of RAM) with large local RAID arrays (> 2TB) for I/O and memory intensive bioinformatics workloads - a peta-scale data storage infrastructure including 1.0 PB of high-performance DDN storage and 0.5 PB of near-line archival storage
- an Infiniband-based network fabric linking all major compute and storage resources
- a 15-megapixel immersive 3-D visualization facility (CAVE) for advanced data and structural visualization applications
- a continuously maintained and curated library of pre-installed open-souce and licensed scientific software
…all maintained by a professional staff of dedicated systems administrators committed exclusively to supporting scientific computing infrastructure.