/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Renown Core JavaScript * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function($) { "use strict"; var VcChart = function(element, options) { this.el = element; this.$el = $(this.el); this.options = $.extend({ color: 'wpb_button', units: '', label_selector: '.vntd-pie-chart-value', back_selector: '.vntd-pie-chart-back', responsive: true }, options); this.init(); }; VcChart.prototype = { constructor: VcChart, _progress_v: 0, animated: false, colors: { 'blue': '#79C5F8', 'turquoise': '#50DACC', 'green': '#A2DF80', 'orange': '#FFAE35', 'dark': '#555', 'grey': '#BBB', 'red': '#FF5E5E' }, init: function() { this.setupColor(); this.value = this.$el.data('pie-value')/100; this.label_value = this.$el.data('pie-label-value') || this.$el.data('pie-value'); this.$wrapper = $('.vntd-pie-wrapper', this.$el); this.$label = $(this.options.label_selector, this.$el); this.$back = $(this.options.back_selector, this.$el); this.$canvas = this.$el.find('canvas'); this.draw(); this.setWayPoint(); if(this.options.responsive === true) this.setResponsive(); }, setupColor: function() { if(typeof this.colors[this.options.color] !== 'undefined') { this.color = this.colors[this.options.color]; } else if(typeof this.options.color === 'string' && this.options.color.match(/^rgb(a?)\([^\)]\)/)) { this.color = this.options.color; } else { this.color = '#cccccc'; } }, setResponsive: function() { var that = this; $(window).resize(function(){ if(that.animated === true) that.circle.stop(); that.draw(true); }); }, draw: function(redraw) { var w = this.$el.width()/100*80, border_w = 4, radius = w/2 - border_w - 1; this.$wrapper.css({"width" : w + "px"}); this.$label.css({"width" : w, "height" : w, "line-height" : w+"px"}); this.$back.css({"width" : w, "height" : w}); this.$canvas.attr({"width" : w + "px", "height" : w + "px"}); this.circle = new ProgressCircle({ canvas: this.$canvas.get(0), minRadius: radius, arcWidth: border_w }); if(redraw === true && this.animated === true) { this._progress_v = this.value; this.circle.addEntry({ fillColor: this.color, progressListener: $.proxy(this.setProgress, this) }).start(); } }, setProgress: function() { if (this._progress_v >= this.value) { this.circle.stop(); this.$label.text(this.label_value + this.options.units); return this._progress_v; } this._progress_v += 0.005; var label_value = this._progress_v/this.value*this.label_value; var val; if(this.label_value === parseInt(this.label_value)) { val = Math.round(label_value) + this.options.units } else { val = this.label_value; } this.$label.text(val); return this._progress_v; }, animate: function() { if(this.animated !== true) { this.animated = true; this.circle.addEntry({ fillColor: this.color, progressListener: $.proxy(this.setProgress, this) }).start(5); } }, setWayPoint: function() { if (typeof $.fn.waypoint !== 'undefined') { this.$el.waypoint($.proxy(this.animate, this), { offset: '85%' }); } else { this.animate(); } } }; /** * jQuery plugin * @param option - object with settings * @return {*} */ $.fn.vcChat = function(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('vc_chart'), options = typeof option === 'object' ? option : { color: $this.data('pie-color'), units: $this.data('pie-units') }; if (!data) $this.data('vc_chart', (data = new VcChart(this, options))); if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](); }); }; if ( typeof window['vndtPieChart'] !== 'function' ) { window.vndtPieChart = function() { $('.vntd-pie-chart').vcChat(); } } $(window).load(function() { // Launch scripts on page load vndtPieChart(); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Toggles * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function vntdToggles() { jQuery(".vntd-toggle-title").click(function(e) { if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('vntd-toggle-title-active') ) { jQuery(this).removeClass('vntd-toggle-title-active').next().slideUp(500); } else { jQuery(this).addClass('vntd-toggle-title-active').next().slideDown(500); 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current.find('a').trigger('mouseup'); } }, onCreate: function () { $('.carousel-overflow').css({"opacity": 1, "max-height": 900}); }, items: { visible: { min: 1, max: cols }, height: "variable", width: item_width+30 }, //width: "100%" }; $(this).find('ul').carouFredSel(settings); }); }; if(carousel.length!==0) { posts_carousel(); $(window).resize(function() { waitForFinalEvent(function(){ if(carousel){ posts_carousel(); } },100,"resize"); }); } var waitForFinalEvent = (function () { var timers = {}; return function (callback, ms, uniqueId) { if (!uniqueId) { uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId"; } if (timers[uniqueId]) { clearTimeout (timers[uniqueId]); } timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Portfolio Equal Height * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function vntd_equal_height() { var items = jQuery('.portfolio-container .vntd-grid li'); var max = 100; var change = false items.each(function() { jQuery(this).css('height',''); }); items.each(function() { var el = jQuery(this); if(el.height() > max) { max = el.height(); change = true; } }); if(change == true) { items.each(function() { jQuery(this).css('height',max+'px'); }); } } if(jQuery('.portfolio-container.portfolio-style-alt').length > 0) { jQuery(window).resize(function () { vntd_equal_height(); }); } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Isotope Config * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $container = $('.vntd-grid'); // Initialize Isotope // if($container.length) { if(jQuery('.portfolio-container.portfolio-style-alt').length > 0) { vntd_equal_height(); } $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.sortable-item', resizable: false, }); $container.animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 400); $('.grid-item').each(function (i) { $(this).delay(i * 150).animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 350); }); // reLayout on window resize // $('.blog-grid-holder .flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", start: function () { $container.isotope('reLayout'); 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options[key] = value; if (key === 'layoutMode' && typeof changeLayoutMode === 'function') { //changes in layout modes need extra logic changeLayoutMode($this, options); } else { //otherwise, apply new options $container.isotope(options); } return false; }); } }); // End $(window).load })(jQuery);