Computational Genomics

Our research interest is the development of computational genomic tools for the study of human diseases and cellular development. We focus on detailed analyses of genomic and epigenomic data generated by high-throughput sequencing to address specific questions related to disease progression, treatment response, stem cell differentiation and neurological processes.

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  • [Dec. 2021] Two collaboration projects between ABC and Schietinger lab published:
    • In this Nature paper we describe a new class of stem-like CD8 T cells in pancreatic lymph node that drived Type I diabetes.
    • A new study published in J Experimental Medicine examines the how T cell receptor signal strength determines T cell dysfunction or inertness towards tumors

  • [July 2021] Congratulations to Jonathan Rub for passing his qualification exam.

  • [Feb. 2021] Our latest paper on derivation of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons from hESC was published in Cell Stem Cell . Part of our ongoing collaboration with Lorenz Studer and his group of developing new approaches for building stemcell models of neurodegenerative diseases.

    Full list of publications

Open Positions

We are looking for post-docs to join our research in the area of computational genomics. Positions are available for:

  • Developing novel computational tools for modeling impact of microbiome on tumorgenesis.
  • Identification of molecular aging markers from high-dimensional (epi)genomic data derived from stem cell models.

Candidates must have Ph.D degree, or equivalent, in Computational Biology, Computer Science, or Math. Applicant should send CV, research statement and list of three references to doron @